Direk Cesar Buendia matapang na binanatan si Pres. Duterte: ‘Just Stop Being President Of The Philippines’

Famous for his contribution on thought – provoking and advocacy films such as ‘Diyos – Diyosan’ in 2016 and ‘Padre de Pamilya’ in 2009, lucrative Scriptwriter and Director, Cesar Evangelista “Direk Cesar” Buendia took to Facebook his apparent disappointment towards President Rodrigo Duterte’s rule of law that poses a huge inconvenience to what he describes as having ‘good christian values’ from among his peers.

In his Facebook post, Direk Buendia cited the alleged downfall of the country’s economy, basic human rights disfigured, and the diminishing number of the Catholic Church’s followers ALL because of Duterte’s Political Power.

Being well acquainted with the gospel himself, Cesar reminded the President that he himself will ‘be held accountable’ in the eyes of God for his words and actions. He hopes that one day the ageing Duterte will come to recognize JESUS as LORD and be able to repent the sins he has done. 

Cesar hopes that President Duterte will have a place in heaven when he dies, saying that, “I will NOT petition against that possibility. I will probably even pray for it.”

A self – confessed former ‘underground’ activist / rebel that he was, Cesar basically wants President Duterte OUT.

The likes of him is rooting for whomever they think could surpass the leadership of the current President. “Just STOP BEING PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES”, he said for the SAKE of the poor, coming apparently from someone who admittedly earns a hefty sum.

Direk Buendia says he is not personally acquainted to Duterte or know anything about him but he sees everything in the Duterte as ‘ev*l deeds’ in the verge of d*stroying the nation by his mere presence hoping that should tables have turned against him, “many many Filipinos including me (Cesar) will really really appreciate it. Thank you and God bless you,” he said.

Meanwhile, here’s Cesar’s entire Facebook post dedicated to President Duterte:

“Dear Mr dU30, I have nothing personal against you because I do not even know you. But you are destroying people's lives including my own because of the way you are using your political power. Now if you want to go to hell by saying all those ev*l words and doing all those ev*l deeds, that's your business. Ultimately, you are going to be held accountable to God for the things that you say and do in your own life. I do not wish you ill or anything. 

“Maybe one day you will come to know Jesus as Lord and repent for your own sins and when you pass away, even go to heaven. I will NOT petition against that possibility. I will probably even pray for it. But the economy has been ruined, basic human rights have been set aside and our good Christian values as a people are fast dissapearing precisely because of your leadership. 

“So please, please, for the sake of the poor, the weeping orphans and widows and the future of our youth, by all means, just STOP BEING PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES lest our beloved nation be completely d*stroyed. Many many Filipinos including me will really really appreciate it. Thank you and God bless you.”

A few brave netizens stood up against Cesar’s innuendo including one with the name of William Matiling that seemed to have a broader context saying, “Cesar Evangelista Buendia, where have you been? Your words come from a man fresh from the office of the inquisition. You committed blasphemy by exploiting our Lord Almighty in propagating lies. You should concentrate on correcting the abuses of priests, bishops and cardinals.”

“It is just to remind you to be more circumspect. Do not assume you are the most blessed. The ISIS think that way, and those that think otherwise are infidels,” he added.

A person of Nathan Lagac also shed some light on the argument with his comment, saying, “The problem is not the current occupant of Malacañan palace. The problem is those church and religious leaders who think they have the right to meddle in politics. Why are they quiet on the life of the victims of those evil doers, just because tgise wrong were done during Digong's term? What happened to those wrong done during the term of Aquino? And, how about those ev*lmen in clothes, are they exempted to make mistake? Are they shouting foul on those Mahindra police cars commissioned during Aquino's term? Many questions in mind.”


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[SOURCE]- Cesar Evangelista Buendia (Facebook)

Direk Cesar Buendia matapang na binanatan si Pres. Duterte: ‘Just Stop Being President Of The Philippines’ Direk Cesar Buendia matapang na binanatan si Pres. Duterte: ‘Just Stop Being President Of The Philippines’ Reviewed by Unknown on 10:56 PM Rating: 5

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